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Tight Sculpting (Skin Tightening & Fat Reduction): 90min | $2000

Tight Sculpting - Additional Area: 60min | $1000

Please note that before your first treatment, a medical aesthetics consultation is required to discuss your specific goals and expectations.

What is Fotona Tight Sculpting

Unlock a new dimension of body sculpting, fat reduction, and skin tightening with Fotona Tight Sculpting, a cutting-edge dual-wavelength laser treatment designed to rejuvenate your appearance with minimal effort and no downtime.

The Ultimate Non-Invasive Solution

Say goodbye to invasive procedures and extended recovery times. Fotona Tight Sculpting offers a fast, safe, and highly effective non-invasive alternative to traditional methods like liposuction. This revolutionary treatment delivers outstanding results without the need for surgical interventions.

Fast and Convenient Treatments

Our Fotona Tight Sculpting sessions typically last about 1 hour, making them a convenient choice for those with busy lifestyles. These sessions are spaced 2-4 weeks apart, allowing your body to respond naturally to the treatment. Peak results are typically achieved around 3 months after your last session.

Benefits of this treatment include:

  • Removing fat cells for good.
  • Tightening and rejuvenating the surface and complexion of your skin.
  • The satisfaction of feeling comfortable in your skin.

Learn more at: https://purerejuvenation.ca/fotona-tightsculpting/