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Chemical Peels

Level 1: 60min | $149, Level 2: 60min | $199

Improve your skin’s radiance with an AlumierMD chemical peel. A chemical peel is a deep exfoliation treatment that helps to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. It is also used to even out skin tone, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, and improve acne-prone skin. 

The appropriate peel solution is chosen based on your skin type and individual goals. You will receive a post-care kit with a week's worth of product (valued at $30).

A Level 1 chemical peel focuses on getting the glow through hydrating the skin. This level is great in preparation for those special occasions or events where you want to look and feel your best. Achieve glowing skin with no downtime.

A Level 2 chemical peel is an overall skin reset. It targets sun damage, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, and rosacea. It also helps to shrink pores, smooths the skin, evens out the complexion, and SO much more. This level is for when you want that deep and cleansing exfoliation.

To partake in this treatment, in general:

  • You are not currently taking Accutane or have used Accutane in the last 6 months.
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You are not using any topical prescription treatments on your face.
  • If you have a darker skin complexion (Fitzpatrick 4 or higher) you must receive a pretreatment for 2 weeks prior to your chemical peel. 
  • Please book a consultation in the situation if you have not done so already.

Within the last week you have had no:

  • Facial waxing.
  • Botox or Dermal Fillers.
  • Retinols, AHA/BHA or Salicylic Acid.

Within the last two Weeks, you have had no:

  • Laser treatments.
  • Active sun exposure (including tanning beds). 
  • Permanent makeup treatments.