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30min | $950

Please note that before your first treatment, a medical aesthetics consultation is required to discuss your specific goals and expectations.

Are you seeking a solution to eliminate excess fat in your chin area or jowls? Look no further!

What is  Deoxycholic Acid

Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule found in the body, responsible for breaking down and absorbing fat cells. Our Deoxycholic Acid treatment, often known as Kybella, harnesses the power of this molecule to target and dissolve stubborn fat deposits beneath the chin.

The Procedure

Each Deoxycholic Acid treatment involves 2-4 customized injections that precisely target the fat cells in the chin area. This non-surgical and virtually painless procedure typically takes only 15-20 minutes, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.

Progressive Improvement

Outstanding improvements can be seen with continuous treatments. As you progress through the treatment sessions, you'll notice a more refined and sculpted profile. Once you achieve your desired look, re-treatment is often not expected, providing lasting results.

Suitable for Both Men and Women

Why Choose Deoxycholic Acid Treatment?

Non-surgical: Avoid the need for invasive procedures with this non-surgical alternative.

Quick and Convenient: The treatment is swift, allowing you to return to your daily activities without significant downtime.

Long-lasting Results: Achieve lasting results without the need for frequent re-treatments.

Personalized Care: Each treatment is customized to your unique needs, ensuring optimal results tailored to your specific concerns.